August 8, 2019

“Endure” Author, Alex Hutchinson, covers IBSPA Research

Outside Magazine columnist, endurance athlete, and esteemed writer Alex Hutchinson, covers Blue Forty Research in Canada’s most popular newspaper, The Globe and Mail.

In Alex Hutchinson’s August column for The Globe and Mail titled “Jockology”, Hutchinson digs into a few great questions at the forefront of healthy building research, referencing Marty Brennan and Alex Collins’ published research Outcome-Based Design for Circadian Lighting: An Integrated Approach to Simulation & Metrics. Conventional lighting standards and guidelines seek to provide adequate lighting for an occupant to perform a given task, but what we are finding is that certain spectra of light at certain times of the day are necessary to reinforcing our circadian rhythms. Considering humans spend more time indoors now than ever before, it is becoming paramount for the health of our communities for architects to understand and design healthy spaces.

Read Alex’s article here:

Blue Forty referenced research:

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